La Mar de Bits

We support conscious, responsible and local projects
to become more visible, efficient, organised and profitable.

Have you been struggling for years and you can’t get your project to move forward? Do you feel you have a great social responsibility and you feel frustrated that your message is not reaching enough people? Do you feel that the organization of your project is erratic and chaotic? In La Mar de Bits we accompany you to give wings to your project. Through a website you can define who you are, what you do and who you want to address; in addition, with email, cloud space, intranet and collaborative text editors you can better manage communication and the internal organisation of your project. We also help you prepare the texts you need to make yourself known and translate them if necessary.
In addition, we provide you with a series of resources to help you advance on a professional and human level, such as technical training to learn to master the technological tools, legal/administrative consultancy to advise you on the development of your project, and facilitation, mediation and arbitration to manage conflict.

We are at your side, we have more than 15 years of experience in grassroots movements and in the development of our own projects.

A little bit more about us

La Mar de Bits is the continuation and last transformation of the projects (founded in 2009 and finished in 2009) and marsupi (founded in 2009 and finished in 2016).

From the beginning, the project has focused on providing a local technical solution, far from the big Internet service providers, to projects of people from social movements and grassroots movements. As such, our philosophy is to always use free software and reuse hardware.

Our infrastructure is maintained thanks to the contributions made by each of the partners depending on the type of service they use. Currently it is formed by 2 dell C6100 that add up to a total of 8 nodes with a total of 96 cores and 288Gb of RAM. Our Internet access is through (operated by Capa8).

Our team

Laura Mora (Blackhold)

CEO and Administrator

Senior Technician in Computer Systems Application (2001) and Technology Activist (since 1998). Her professional career has been linked to the defence of digital rights and the provision of ICT services to projects of conscious, responsible and proximity consumption. She has left her mark on projects such as, hacklabs, hackmeetings. She has been a radio presenter for 2 years at ContrabandaFM in the programme AptitudeFM (2009-2011), she has been in charge of the ICT Summer Camp Garrotxa for 10 years (2008-2017). Finally, from 2009 to 2016 she was the administrator of the self-managed server project marsupi.

She is currently CEO and CTO of the company Capa8 Asistencial, S.L., president of the Association of Servers El Mar de Bits (since 2016) and vice-president (and president of the Catalan chapter) of the Mediterranean Association of ICT Experts Aspertic created at the end of 2016.

All her social, professional and political career has led her to be a multidisciplinary ICT administrator focused on cybersecurity, data protection, which touches ICT areas such as administration and deployment of wifi network infrastructures, administration of systems based on GNU/Linux and opensource tools, development of proprietary software, web design and marketing strategies.

Xavier Borràs

Traducció i correcció de texts

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Mattia Schiaulini

Project prospecting and monitoring

Mattia Schiaulini, Udine, Italy, 1979. He graduated in Italy in Biomedical Sciences. He worked for three years in England for the University of Bristol before moving to Barcelona where he continued his biomedical studies until 2011.

In Catalonia he joined movements of ecologists, naturopaths and cooperatives, which led him to create a personal health project focused on conscious eating. The initiative was born through the experience acquired with the Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC), both from the contacts and the culture of self-management and the theoretical and practical knowledge of how to set up one’s own project and mutual support.

He currently manages the Consciente athenaeum in Vilanova i la Geltrú, a place with a kitchen and several rooms to carry out theoretical and practical activities on nutrition and health.


Proveedor de Servicios TIC y Consultoría

Created in 2016 initially as a company of Internet service provision and registered as a Telecommunications operator, it has now evolved into an integral provider of ICT Services.

In “La Mar de Bits” it assumes control of the ICT service provider, administration of the server and network infrastructure, administrative and legal consultation, conflict resolution, data protection delegate (DPD), as well as providing all the experience in the development of projects of conscious, responsible and proximity consumption, being Capa8 as such a project of these characteristics.

La Mar de Bits

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