Legal notice, privacy policy and cookies

Legal terms and conditions.

Details of the controller:

  • Identity of the Controller: Associació de Servidors La Mar de Bits
  • NIF/CIF: G66791872
  • Address: Plaça del Sol 20, Baixos, 08012, Barcelona
  • Email:

Accessing and browsing this website implies acceptance of the terms and conditions of use.

The user undertakes to use this website in accordance with current legislation.

Intellectual property regulations.

This website and all its contents, including its programming, texts, images, sound, photographs, graphic design, logos and any other material or element that appears in the Web are property of the owner or of third parties who have authorized its use to the owner (safecreative).

The reproduction, copy, use, public communication, total or partial, or any other activity that can be carried out with the information contained in this website and that is carried out without the express authorization of the owner, constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights that is penalized by the current legislation.

The owner reserves the right to take legal action against users who infringe intellectual property rights.

Data Protection.

Data Controller:

  • Identity of the Data Controller: Capa 8 Asistencial SL
  • NIF/CIF: B25798299
  • Address: Plaça del Sol 20, Baixos, 08012, Barcelona
  • Email address:
  • Purpose of processing: To adequately manage the provision of the service or information that has been requested of us.
  • Personal data required for the service: Minimum first name and verified email address, and advisable surname and telephone number.

By receiving the services, it is understood that the user accepts all legal conditions.


Thanks to the consent we can use the user’s data.

Applicable Regulations.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (2016/679), Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD).

Exercise of rights.

Users may exercise their rights to access, rectify or delete their data included in the files of Capa8 Asistencial SL, free of charge, through the aforementioned Controller, in writing with the reference “Data Protection”.

As a user you can exercise your rights at any time in

Social plugins

On our website we offer links and services related to different social networks. If the user is a member of a social network and clicks on the corresponding link, the provider of the social network may link their profile data with the information of the visit to La Mar de Bits.

La Mar de Bits

Typically replies within a day

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